
EU-funded project
Best Practice in Training

QuaLiS: Best-Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills


Best-Practise in Qualifying Listening Skills to promote Emotional Health

The QuaLiS project was part of the GRUNDVIG program for life-long-learning. GRUNDVIG is a program of the European Union in the field of adult education. It allows a border crossing exchange and cooperation of trainers and learners.

The QuaLiS took place from 2013-2015 with six regional TES partners: The Muslimic TES in Berlin/Germany, the TES in Loce/Slovenia, the TES in Györ/Hungary, the TES in Naples/Italy, the TES in Bergen/Norway, the TES in Rotterdam/Netherland and the coordinating partner IFOTES-Europe.

The aim of the meetings was to exchange the TES best practice in listening and to present good exercises for training. Each trainer had a responsibility for one main key-word (suicide prevention, emotional support, empathy and congruence, meaning in life…) under which training and listening got reflected.

In this area you find all document-outcomes of the project. Each paper has a short theoretical description of the theme and a presentation of useful exercises that train the needed competences, following some dialogue examples that explain the technique in practice. The documents can be useful in training-courses of communication, listening skills and crisis intervention.