Speeches of the 2023 IFOTES congress

Published by IFOTES on 2 May 2024

IFOTES congress Lignano 2023: first speeches available

The first speeches held during the XXII IFOTES congress are on the IFOTES YouTube channel, available in the speaker's language. 

Follow the updates and find out how you can help us make them all accessible, including translations.

What has changed (Thursday 19 October 2023)

Jan ROTMANS: Embracing chaos in times of transformative change: what does it mean to you? 

Roberto DE VOGLI: Protecting global health from pandemics and the ecological crisis: an alternative development is necessary

Melinda MEDGYASZAI: Mental health in the XXI century - Lessons to be learned from the pandemic

Francesca SACCO: Wir Kinder der Telefonseelsorge

Michela GATTA: La salute mentale in età evolutiva

Stefan SCHUMACHER: Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen, Wie Sie entstanden sind (Albert Einstein)

How to deal with changes - Ways to cope (Friday 20 October 2023)

Daniela LUCANGELI: A mente accesa e connessa: le nuove frontiere dell'apprendimento nell'era digitale / With a lighted up and connected mind: the new frontiers of learning in the digital age

Luca CHITTARO: Illusions in online relationships: from social media to the metaverse

Martin DEBBANÉ: Therapeutic communication: the role of epistemic trust and mentalizing 

Savino CALABRESE: Il metodo delle 5 regole della comunicazione biografico-solidale

Where is hope - How to go on (Saturday 21 October 2023)

Marie ANAUT: La résilience : du modèle de compréhension aux applications pratiques

Marc HERREMANS: Believe, Conceive, Achieve

Alessandro VERGENDO: Autoconsapevolezza e intelligenza emotiva

Georg FISCHER SJ: Das Wunder des Überlebens

Michael HILLENKAMP: Hoffnung schaffen: brillante Momente erinnern, erleben und als Ressource ankern

What perspectives for the future of TES? (Sunday 22 October 2023)