#AtFirstSight, Sos Amitié partnership with Facebook

Published by IFOTES on 6 November 2017


On 6th November, S.O.S Amitié launches #AtFirstSight : a broad mobile campaign exploiting the invisible area scrolling through Facebook’s feed to reveal in “full screen” the pain that people who call S.O.S Amitié hide. Initiated by Facebook in partnership with Stratégies, the winning campaign “Hack for Good” is signed Buzzman.

1 in 10 French people has nobody to talk to.

Listen carefully, without judgement and anonymously to the 700 000 distress calls received each year is the mission ensured by the association since 1960. However, in an ever more connected world and where social networks increase opportunities to communicate, loneliness and needs to be listened to could seem obsolete concepts. Yet, the risk of feeling isolated is still present. That is why S.O.S Amitié reminds us that listening is, more than ever, essential and that talking is liberating.

S.O.S Amitié is always there to listen.

Answering to the demand of hacking, these three videos are subtitled and in automatic reading describe Hanna, Antoine, and Henri’s life. Three people to whom life seems to smile. Hanna is an accomplished sportswoman, Antoine, a caring father and Henri, a loved grand-father… only in appearance. Because once the video is watched in full screen, their sufferings come to light and we become aware of their distress.

The #AtFirstSight campaign will be relayed on Facebook and Instagram for one month. Let’s not forget that the National S.O.S Amitié Listening Day in France will be on 7th November.